Africa. African countries constitute an absolute majority in the list of least developed countries in the world — 26 out of 36. At the beginning of the 1990s, Africa accounted for no more than 10% of the world's agricultural production; 1.5% of industrial; 2% of the world production of services. If Latin America has approximately 45 per cent of children of school age; in Asia, 35 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa is only 11%. Three quarters of the population are illiterate. 40% of Africans have annual income below $ 250. (that is, below the official poverty line). Only one malaria kills 1 million Africans.
Analysis of various indicators characterizing the level, quality and lifestyle of Africans (per capita income, the coefficients of general and infant mortality, the state of education and health, the spread of modern consumer goods, and so on. Etc..) Allows you to split the continent into several groups, in which the problems of underdevelopment are with different sharpness. Independently here looks South Africa - industrialized countries, in respect of which use the concept of "disability" is incorrect.
Followed by the Maghreb, Egypt, Gabon and some other countries, where there is even and slow, but clearly manifested an adaptation of a traditional society to a modern industrial and scientific and technical progress. Finally, there are 26 countries belonging to the least developed countries of the world. Their economy is in a critical condition, and the people do not dream of the good life, and the physical survival.
Asia. Asian developing countries differ considerably in both the level and on the specifics of social and economic development, which significantly affects the value of GDP per capita. This group of countries today only "by inertia" continue to call the developing world, although the value of GNP per capita in some of them is higher than in most developed countries of the West. We are talking about the oil-producing countries of the Middle East (UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others.), As well as the newly industrializing countries (South Korea, Thailand, and others.).
In Asia, the retardation is associated primarily with countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal and others. Ranked among the least developed countries of the world, they are characterized by minimal in Asia size of GNP per capita. Backwardness permeates all spheres of life: here the most low productivity, outdated farming methods - the leading branches of material production, high birth rates, low life expectancy, illiteracy depressing.
A special place on the continent belongs to India, aiming at development of an independent national economy and has achieved a lot along the way. As is known, the value of GDP, it is among the top ten countries in the world, but its per capita is one of the last places. The situation is complicated by demographic factors. Exceptionally high rate of population growth seriously slow down its progress.
Latin America. A distinctive feature of the Latin American region is that capitalism is established as the dominant mode of production. Sufficiently developed market relations have been formed in most states in the region. Deepening of the process of industrialization in most major countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico - contributed to the rapid development of basic industries and the formation of their own "forge" means of production. Tangible results were achieved in agriculture individual countries in connection with the development of the "green revolution." Progress has been made in other areas of material production and non-production area.
However, it would be a mistake to exaggerate the achievements of Latin American countries. For general data hiding huge differences in rates of development of industry, agriculture, service sector. The results achieved in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and some other countries, particularly visible in the background of stagnation that hit the economies of most countries in West Indies, "banana" republics, and so on. D. Backwardness manifested in the low average per capita income of millions of Latin Americans in mass malnutrition people of Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala and other countries in the actual homelessness "latter-day" people living in big cities.