
Food problem

Causes of hunger

Is there any prospect of it ending? It is clear that propagandirovavseesa in our literature for decades, the assertion that "hunger in the developing countries is the result of centuries of exploitation, colonization, appropriation of wealth imperialism" several naive and in need of rethinking. The roots of this phenomenon too deeply and are simultaneously historical, economic, political, and social?nodemograficeskie Natu aspects. Try to at least tezisnoj the form described the main causes of the current severe food situation in developing countries.

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Hunger and human health

Insufficient and inadequate diet of much of the population of the planet has a great influence on the biological and social aspects of reproduction of all mankind, his vitality, productivity etc. Malnutrition is particularly detrimental to the health of children under 5 years of age. According to the results of the research, this slows them both physical and mental development, and subsequently affect mental state. In developing countries every year, around 100 of thousands of children lose their eyesight due to lack of vitamin a in food.

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Regional types of food

In the nourishment of the population of poor countries is usually always dominates one of any product that attaches to the diet of monotonous character and has a negative impact on overall health.

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Geography of malnutrition (hunger)

Area, in which a large part of the population receives less than the required amount of calories on a world map covers a large area. It stretches along both sides of the equator, including almost all of sub-Saharan Africa (excluding SOUTH AFRICA), West Asia, South and UgoVostocnuu Asia (in the literature most often celebrate the monsoon Asia), the Caribbean, the bulk of South America (except Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil's Southeast side). Reduced calorie diet combined with a lack of critical and human proteins of animal origin, vitamins, calcium and so on in some years to this zone "tend" and other relatively "well-off" area (in particular those that are located within the former Soviet Union).

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The power structure in different countries

Poor nutrition in many poor countries is not limited to lack of calories in their diet usually lack of animal protein, vitamin c, calcium, etc.

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Quality of food: facts and rules

The quality of food is determined by two major factors: energy intensity and complexity of the necessary ingredients (proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals).

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Power supplies in the past and now

Over the long history of humankind have substantially changed their menu. Primitive people ate food almost exclusively of plant origin: berries, roots, fruit, edible leaves and an important addition to their vegetarian "table" were the bird's eggs, shellfish, small animals. Thus, the view of the ancient man as overly plotoadnom, constantly busy with romantic hunting battles, erroneously. It is extremely rare (and before opening fire in a crude kind) tasted meat.

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Food challenge

Food is a critical foundation for humanity's vital functions. Our great compatriot, the physiologist i. p. Pavlov has pointed out that "the relationship of living with nature — there is a relationship, mediated the power issues." This just promise suggests that feeding humanity goes far beyond prirodnoestestvennyh and production factors. The food, which in its first cause Habitat used by humans as a product of his culture, taking in the nature-culture "an intermediate position. There is, for example, the well known phrase "rice civilization, from which it follows that the rice as an important place belongs to the product not only in food but also in the whole system of spiritual ties between people and the natural world.

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