
Global ethnic crisis

Growing economic and technological interdependence of States, accelerating the internationalization of social life, politics, culture and modern world are in some sense indivisible. At the same time, the growing desire of countries, peoples and population groups to identity makes it all the more unstable and unforeseen. Current changes in the political geography of the world are so important that they are sometimes compared with the process, begun after the peace treaty of Westphalia 1648, which marked a turning point in the formation of modern States. So, only 60 of the nearly 200 States existed on the eve of the 20th century, on the other hand, only in the first half of the 1990s, the UN has more than 20 new members States. Some famous scientists and public figures suggest that the current boundaries will increasingly lose their value if you do not meet the linguistic and territorial identity of Nations living there.
How to treat scale of future changes in the political map of the world, promising to become one of the most spectacular phenomena in recent history, one thing is clear: in a global sense, the nacional?noetniceskaa problem can be and is already becoming one of the most painful. Some scientists say the real global ethnic crisis affecting our planet. Uncontrolled national emotions, which depending on the particular circumstances, acquire forms of informed national self-assertion or aggressive nationalism, leading to the dramatic conflicts in almost all continents, but particularly on the "periphery" of the world civilization.

An integral part of the global ethnic crisis in recent years, the conflict in the former Soviet Union, first successfully suppressed by the Union Center and zagonavsiesa deep. It's not just about ethnic feuds, but also about the confrontation within individual Nations, divided along regional lines, consisting of, or territorial disputes, separatism, avtonomistkih movements, etc.
The importance of the scientific understanding of modern processes nacional?noetniceskih is obvious and needs no particular reasoning. Note that in the growing stream of publications on the resurgence of ethnic (and religious) competition, increasingly the geographical nature of the evidence that thousands of threads to connect people with the territory (and the theory of ethnogenesis, developed by l. n. and vzbudorazivsej By the scientific community in recent years, is a geographical interpretation of inter-ethnic relations).