On today apparently only nuclear power can dramatically and in a fairly short period of time to ease the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. In full extent this happens to 1973, when the share of nuclear energy in the increase of the world's electricity is 1/3.
In a number of developed countries, it has already taken the most prominent positions. France dominates here is 73%.
In this regard, indicative of Japan's energy policy, which calls for the 2010, 2011. to achieve independence in energy supply. Country that does not have oil and gas and has a very small coal reserves, would be able to achieve this by developing only nuclear power. But this requires uranium, which Japan also has no. Therefore, provided for the development of nuclear energy on the basis of reaktorovrazmnozitelej, independently producing plutonium (until 2010, his is imported from France and the United Kingdom). In the world there are different points of view on the prospects of building new NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Projected power PLANTS in the United States in the coming years will continue to grow, then it is expected to stabilize for a longer period (the number of units at the NUCLEAR PLANT in the United States in 1992, amounted to 111, in Russia-32). In Sweden stopped new NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS and a gradual (after 1995) the decommissioning of existing. At the same time, France and Japan scheduled to increase up to 2000 g. not only the absolute power of its nuclear power plants, but their share in the electric power industry. Thus, in France, he will surpass 80 percent and in Japan in 2010, the increase to 43%.
In Russia the share of nuclear energy in electricity production is up 12%. Cancel the construction of several new NUCLEAR POWER PLANT has created difficulties in energy supply areas (Northern Caucasus, etc.). The highest proportion of NUCLEAR POWER in the grid of the Northwest (33%) and Ural (23%) and and the Center (22%) difficulties in energy supply in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, have forced some States (e.g. Armenia) «thaw» closed the PLANT for environmental reasons.
Replacement of coal, oil and gas, nuclear power has led to a significant reduction in emissions of Co2 and other greenhouse gases. If the 16% of world electricity generation, NUCLEAR POWER, now that would make coal-fired POWER PLANTS, even the accepted state-of-the-art scrubbers, then, according to experts, the atmosphere would have been an additional 1.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 1 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 2 million tons of sulfur oxide and 150 thousand. tons of heavy metals.
Nuclear power engineering