
The growth of world population

As demonstrated in the ' 80s the demographic rollback "would seem to give additional arguments the supporters of" social optimism. " During this period the population of the Earth has been reduced to 1.7 per cent annually in developed countries — up to 1.0% (while in Japan — to 0.7%, while in GERMANY were at a declining population trends at 0.2% per year). Yes, and the most populated country in the world — CHINA — with its more than a billion people had growth rates below the world average. However, even with the modern trend to lower than average population growth (mainly from developed countries) of the world's population is expected to exceed six billion mark around 2000, and barring abrupt changes, such as increasing the size of the human population is likely to continue well into the twenty-first century, yet by the end of its estimated to be stabilized at the level of 10.5-11.0 billion.
In other words, the global population problem not only persists but is exacerbated by the next, and this process is determined by the following main points.
1. the absolute magnitude of annual growth of the world's population are getting bigger. Even at the highest annual growth rate of 1.8% in the absolute magnitude of growth years 70E (68 million) were significantly less than the 1.7 percent pace in the 90-ies (96 million). In less than a decade on the political map of the world is actually a new State with a population equal to China. Before our eyes is the geopolitical picture of the world: the ratio of the population of the North and the South, meaning of developed and developing countries. In 1990, the population of Africa was only 9% of the world, by 2020, it will reach 20%.. Come and move to the top of the leaderboard is approximately 2030 g. India will overtake China in terms of population and will come out on top in the world.
2. There are serious doubts (backed by statistics professionals) that the Earth's biosphere to sustain such demographic burden, since it hardly provides a more or less stable living conditions for the $ 5 billion people. In particular, there were quite unusual, new balance population growth and food production.
Since 1984, the world grain harvest has increased over the year by 1%, and that means reducing its per capita output. The worst affected regions of the world where population growth rate remains very high (Africa, India). Even in China, where in the first half of the 1990s, the average annual harvest stood at 450 million tons (that's a huge accomplishment in itself) to come out to a modest level — 400 kg per capita in 2000, the need to produce it, the 510 million tons Between the actual needs of China in grain (including fodder for livestock, seed and industrial applications) will be even higher — around 600 million. t.
There are other factors aggravating the global demographic situation (aging of many Nations, the finite nature of mineral resources, etc.).